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Diary details Einstein's last years 女友日记新近发现 再现爱因斯坦晚年岁月 In the last years of Albert Einstein's life, he amused himself by telling jokes to his parrot, and avoided visitors by feigning illness, according to a newly discovered diary written by the woman as his last girlfriend. 爱因斯坦最后一位女友所写的日记最近被发现,其中披露了爱因斯坦晚年的生活,他给鹦鹉讲笑话来逗自己开心,还假装生病闭门谢客。 While Einstein also talked about the travails of his continuing work in physics, most of Johanna Fantova's diary recalls his views on world politics and his personal life. 尽管爱因斯坦也谈论他长期从事物理研究工作的辛苦,在女友乔安娜·范多娃的日记中,大部分内容都是回忆爱因斯坦对于世界政治和个人生活的看法。 Fantova wrote that she recorded her time with the renowned physicist to cast some additional light on our understanding of Einstein, not on the great man who became a legend in his lifetime, not on Einstein the renowned scientist, but on Einstein the humanitarian. 乔安娜·范多娃写道,她记录与这位著名物理学家一起度过的时光是“为了让人们对爱因斯坦有新的认识,不是纪录一位伟人的传奇一生,也没有把他看作一名世界闻名的科学家,而是一个人道主义者。” The diary also recounts how, on his 75th birthday, Einstein received a parrot as gift. After deciding the bird was depressed, Einstein tried alter its mood by telling bad jokes. 日记还记录了爱因斯坦75岁生日时是如何收到了他的生日礼物——一只鹦鹉。在他感到鹦鹉心情沮丧之后,爱因斯坦试图通过讲绝妙的笑话来改变它的情绪。 At times, Einstein would pretend to be sick in bed so he would not have to pose with visitors who wanted photographs. Einstein still enjoyed himself even when real illness did take hold. 爱因斯坦经常会假装卧病在床,这样他就不必摆姿势与访客拍照周旋。即使真的生病了,爱因斯坦仍然自得其乐。 Einstein also wrote Fantova poems, some of which are in the diary. 爱因斯坦还给乔安娜·范多娃写诗,其中的一些保存在日记中。 The writings are an unvarnished portrait of Einstein struggling bravely with the manifold inconveniences of sickness and old age, said Freeman Dyson, a mathematician at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. 美国普林斯顿大学高级研究院的数学家福里曼·戴森说:“这本日记真实地再现了爱因斯坦与疾病和年迈等诸多不便顽强抗争的情景。”

英语名人故事 翻译

Edison (1847~ 1931) is to be known to all the world 's the United States of America electrical experts, scientists and inventors, known as the world king of invention. In addition to his phonograph, electric, cable, film and other aspects of the invention and contribution, in the mining, construction, chemical industry and other fields also has a lot of famous creation and high perspicacity. Edison & company employee lifetime total of about two thousand inventions, for human civilization and progress to make enormous contribution.


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